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全部文章 admin 2019-01-17 141 次浏览
To Stand by a Tree Stump Waiting for a Hare
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ɡōnɡ zuò工作
fù jìn附近
to collide
zhé duàn折断
to fracture
jiǎn qǐ捡起
to pick up
ɡēnɡ tián耕田
to plough
待 (dài): v. to wait/to wait for
We often use "等待(děngdài)" instead of "待(dài)" to express the meaning of "to wait/to wait for." In spoken Chinese, we often say "等(děng),"which is short for "等待(děngdài)." "等待(děngdài)" is more formal than "等(děng)."
shìjièshànɡ méiyǒu nàmeduō shǒuzhūdàitù de shìqínɡ.
世界上 没有 那么多 守株待兔 的 事情。
There are not so many pleasant things as windfalls.
zhǎoɡōnɡzuò bùnénɡ shǒuzhūdàitù, yào zhǔdònɡ xúnzhǎo jīhuì.
找工作 不能 守株待兔,要 主动 寻找 机会。
One shouldn’t expect getting a job by waiting.

Cóngqián, yǒu yí gè nóngfū.
从前,有一个 农夫。Once upon a time, there was a farmer.
Yì tiān, zài tā gēngtián de shíhou, hūrán pǎo guò lái yì zhī yětù,一 天,在 他 耕田的时候, 忽然 跑过 来 一只 野兔,qiàhǎo pèng zài yí gè shùzhuāng shàng, bózizhé duàn sǐ le.恰好 碰 在一 个 树桩 上,脖子 折 断死了。One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.
Nóngfū bǎ tùzi shí huí jiā qù, měiměide chī le yí dùn tùròu.
农夫 把兔子拾回 家去热风鞋 ,美美地 吃 了一 顿 兔肉。
The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.
Dāng wǎn, tā jiù xiǎng: "wǒ hébì xīnxīnkǔkǔ de zhòngdì ne?当 晚,他就想: “我 何必辛辛苦苦的 种地 呢?Měi tiān zài shùzhuāng páng děngzhe jiǎn zhuàngsǐ de yětù jiù hǎo le."每 天在树桩 旁 等着 捡撞 死的野兔就 好 了”。吴必胜 That night he thought: "I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it."
Yúshì tā cóngcǐ bú zài gēnzhòng, měi tiān zài shùzhuāng páng děngdài yětù de于是 他 从此 不 再 耕种, 每 天在 树桩 旁 等待 野兔 的
到来。So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.
Dànshì, cóng nà yǐhòu, tā zài méiyǒu fāxiàn yì zhī yětù zhuàng zài shùzhuāng但是, 从 那 以后,他 再 没有发现 一 只 野兔 撞在树桩shàng.
But from then on高端访问 , he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.

Chinese version
春秋时幼年记事簿 ,宋国有一位农夫,有一天他正在田里工作的时候,突然看见一只兔子往大树的方向快跑。接着,只见它倒在树干附近,一动也不动。农夫走过去一看,原来兔子跑太快,撞上大树,脖子折断,死掉了。于是农夫高兴的捡起死兔子,回家饱餐一顿。
从此以后,农夫再也不耕田,整天守在大树旁,以为可以再捡到兔子。日子一天天过去,根本等不到任何一只兔子,邻居看到农夫每天守在树下,而一旁的农田都是野草,就去问他,知道原因后,每个人都忍不住大笑,觉得他实在是笨的可以。怎么可能又有兔子会不小心撞上大树呢刀光枪影 ?

English version
In the Warring States period in the State of Song, there was a farmer. One day, the farmer was ploughing the fields when he saw a hare running wildly towards a tree. Then it fell beside the tree, without a move. The farmer went over and saw that the hare ran so fast that it ran into a tree, broke its neck, and died. The farmer happily picked up the hare and took it home for dinner.
Since then, he refused to pick up his hoe again. Instead, he sat beneath the tree all day and waited patiently for a second hare to come. As days went on, a second hare never came his way. His neighbors saw this and his field was overgrown with weeds and asked him why. After knowing the reason, everyone couldn’t help but laughed out loud. Everyone thought that he was very stupid. How could another hare be so careless and ran into the tree?
The idiom守株待兔literally means "to wait for the hares". It is a metaphor to those who wish to make gains without working and always dream of having windfalls.
The moral: We shouldn't just wait for a stroke of luck. If we want to do something, we should work hard at it, just like the saying goes, "No pain, no gain."

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