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【中英交传】17、华为进军美国市场计划泡汤:美国第二大运营商AT T突然宣布解约-Alex的口译库

全部文章 admin 2018-02-07 141 次浏览
【中英交传】17、华为进军美国市场计划泡汤:美国第二大运营商AT T突然宣布解约-Alex的口译库

分段点:0-2:52; 2:57-5:21(原演讲)
Brief Intro
中文演讲中出现一个错误,AT&T是美国第二大移动运营商,我说成了第一大,大家按第二大进行口译微光城市 。
上周小组练习的另一篇,指路【中英交传】16、比特币和区块链技术能为我们带来什么?(From. Sophie)
Vocab List
国际消费类电子产品展览会International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
移动运营商 wireless carrier
威瑞森 Verizon
百思美 Best Buy
挡、阻拦 rebuff/ block (v.)
出货量 shipments (指手机制造商卖给各地零售商的量)
沉痛打击 a huge blow
(在市场)站稳脚跟 get a foothold/ cement one's status in
(合作)告吹 frizzle out/ fail
美国联邦通讯委员会 the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
安全问题 security risks
监听 spy listen (v.)
颠覆、破坏(产业) disrupt (v.)
麒麟芯片 Kirin chip
高通 Qualcomm
保护措施 protectionist measures
性价比高的手机 budget phone
市场份额 market share
enter/ crack/ explore/ expand to
其实本篇不适合用enter李自健 ,因为华为已经进入了美国市场,只是由于没有和运营商签署销售合作所以在美国销量很低。(录完才反应到)
本篇推荐表达:get a foothold/ make inroads/ cement its status as the third largest mobile phone manufacturer+ in the U.S. 更能体现出华为已经很成功,但在美国市场没有施展余地的意思梦幻桌面 。
drop/ cancel/ pull out of/ walk away from+ the deal (to do sth.)
Ladies and gentlemen, I think a lot of Chinese know Huawei, which is the pride of Chinese tech companies. It is now the world's third largest manufacturer of mobile phones, behind apple in Samsung. It's also china's biggest.
But in January this year, Huawei received some bad news on the at the CES in Las Vegas. AT&T announced that it was pulling out of the deal to sell Huawei phones in the us market. It was a sudden decision. Another wireless carrier峰不二子 , Verizon, also followed suit. In march this year, the us largest electronics retailer狮王进行曲, best buy, decided to stop selling Huawei phones.
Huawei is very successful. But it hasn't made inroads in the us market because it has been rebuffed by the us government for several times. That's why it's not even on the top five list of mobile phone companies. And it doesn't have much presence in the us. you might ask通辽五中 , why does Huawei want to enter the us market so bad西门无恨 ? But actually, I will tell you all mobile phone companies want to enter the u s market.
According to statistics, mobile phone shipments in the us only takes nine percent around the world, but it's profit is as high as 50 percent, which means by selling 9 percent of their mobile phones to the us, mobile phone companies can make fifty percent of profits out of it.
We know a lot of Chinese mobile phone companies like Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi are competing with each other fiercely. but the profits they make are not comparable to their US counterparts. Because doing mobile phone business in the us is very profitable. That's why I say all mobile phone companies want to tap the most valuable market in the world, which is the US market.
Even though Huawei is now the world's third largest manufacturer of mobile phone, its profit is much lower than those of samsung and apple, because samsung and apple have already gained a foothold in the us market. So if Huawei wants to take this company to a new level, the us market is a place to crack.
And here I want to mention one difference between buying mobile phones in the US and in china. Now in the US, 90 percent of phones sold to customers are sold by carriers. Apple and samsung are so successful because they are sold by all the carriers in the US. AT&T is now the US second largest carrier. So it's a huge blow to the Huawei as AT&T decided to drop the plan to cooperate.
As for why AT&T cancelled its deal with Huawei. Well, actually,何伊娜 it was willing to cooperate at the beginning. because of political pressure, this deal fizzled out eventually. 18 congressmen wrote a letter to the us federal communication commission, saying that it must conduct research about the cooperation between far away and a t and t because of security risks. Eventually, AT&T had to walk away from this deal.
Here. I want to explain to you why the us government wants to block Huawei from entering the US market. first and foremost, security risks. The us has very high standards for statistics security. according to some research conducted by the fcc in 2012, they were concerned that using Huawei phones in the us will pose spying issues and might disrupt the whole telecom industry in the us.
apart from that, Huawei uses its own chip, called Kirin chip, but in the US, Qualcomm dominates the chip market. Actually, fifty percent of the chips used by chinese mobile phone companies are produced by Qualcomm, a major source of Qualcomm’s revenue. Rumor has it that Qualcomm has already asked for protectionists measures from the us government, trying to cut Huawei’s threats to them.
Last but not least, Huawei produces budget phones. Americans like that. And that might squeeze the market share of another us company, which is apple. Another concern of the us government.
All bad news aside, amazon is still selling Huawei and CEO of Huawei has made it very clear that even though one day Huawei has to give up on the us market, it won't let the whole north america market go, which means it is aiming at the Canadian market as well. Well, actually根达亚文明 , Huawei has already signed a few deals with Canadian wireless carriers. The CEO also said without cracking the us market爆炒海瓜子 , Huawei still has potential to become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer one day.
So let's wait and see what Huawei can achieve in 2018.Thank you.
1、That's why I say all mobile phone companies want to tap the most valuable market in the world, which is the US market.此句太啰嗦假面骑士zo ,前面都说了美国市场利润高,完全可以省略which is the US market.
2、是the North American market不是the North America market
3、华为CEO说的第二句话还是用过去式比较好,应该是:he also said而不是he has also said
Extra Vocab
1、侦查、间谍活动 espionage
2、(增长、销量)暴跌 slump
3、进行远程监察 carry out remote spying
For More
【中英交传】16、比特币和区块链技术能为我们带来什么?(From. Sophie)
【中英交传】15、Facebook最大公关危机:8700万用户个人信息遭泄露(From. Scarlett)