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全部文章 admin 2018-05-18 150 次浏览
【书籍推荐】魔戒(带书籍资源哦霍凡 !龙一仪 )-英语原著共读自毁容貌症

The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by philologist and Oxford University professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier, less complex children's fantasy novel The Hobbit (1937)大唐逍遥侯 , but eventually developed into a much larger work. It was written in stages between 1937 and 1949苏记棺材铺 , much of it during World War II.Although generally known to readers as a trilogy, the work was initially intended by Tolkien to be one volume of a two-volume set along with The Silmarillion; however妖王摩哥斯 , the publisher decided to omit the second volume and instead published The Lord of the Rings in 1954-55 as three books rather than one河南监狱网 , for economic reasons.It has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into many languages碧波无痕 , becoming one of the most popular and influential works in 20th-century literature.
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